My Journey From Acne To Clear Skin
Growing up, I always had clear skin regardless of a few normal breakouts here and there. In the middle of my college years, I started to become more interested in skincare and began experimenting with my routine. You would think that this would improve my skin, but actually, this is when my struggle with acne began.
I was following skincare fads that I saw online and buying products recommended by different beauty influencers/bloggers. Then, I had no knowledge of my skin type or how to understand the ingredients list of different products. I was buying blindly based on other’s mere recommendations.
My past struggles with acne can be contributed to two things. 1.) The improper use of oils, which were clogging my pores. And 2.) The overuse of harsh and drying acne-fighting ingredients such as salicylic acid.
I created a very vicious cycle for myself that went a little like this:
1.) Use an oil such as rose-hip that would clog my pores and cause fungal acne to develop.
2.) I would then try to heal the fungal acne I caused by over-using anti-acne products. This would strip my skin of all-natural moisture, cause extreme dryness, and only result in inflaming my existing breakout.
3.) To resolve the dryness and inflammation I would then use more oils or some trendy fragranced moisturizer at that time.
The cycle would then repeat.
Below I have created a list of the best honest skincare advice I can give to you in terms of keeping consistently clear skin. These are the tips and tweaks I wish I would have known sooner to save me from years of breakouts and insecurity.
Honest Skincare Advice I Live By:
- ) Just because something works for someone else, does not mean it will work for you! Your skin is unique. The best thing you can do for yourself is to learn your particular skin type and what ingredients compliment and harm it.
- ) Everyone should know how to do their own research regarding ingredients and how to read product labels. Once you are informed yourself is when the skincare journey really gets fun! You can see recommendations online or read product labels and know when something is going to work well for you. You can make smarter purchasing decisions and truly enjoy experimenting without accidentally buying products that are harmful to your skin type.
- ) If you are truly struggling with your skin seek professional medical health from a dermatologist rather than looking for online content from influencers, etc!
- ) Use drying anti-acne ingredients sparingly. When overused, your skin will become dry, inflamed, and sensitive. This makes your skin more prone to breakouts rather than preventing them. I very rarely use these ingredients and my skin looks the best it ever has. If you must use these ingredients, I would recommend using a salicylic acid cleanser (because it is only on the skin for a few minutes) and/or a salicylic acid spot treatment (only as needed).
- ) Do not be afraid to properly hydrate your skin. In the past, I thought hydration = moisture and moisture = breakouts, but I was completely wrong. Properly hydrating your skin is one of the most effective ways to PREVENT acne, aging, and improve overall skin texture.
- ) Never underestimate the power of sleep. I know getting a solid 8-9 hours of sleep is easier said than done, but this is the MOST important thing you can do for skin and overall health. There is a reason why it is called “beauty sleep”. Make creating a proper sleep schedule a priority of yours, if you have not all ready.
- ) Managing your stress levels is a part of having beautiful skin. Stress manifests its self in so many ways in the body. Acne is a key indicator of stress and hormonal imbalance. Prioritize positive mental health habits and stress management and everything will start to fall into place. Including the state of your skin.

With these tips and tweaks, I have been able to achieve skin I never imaged I would have. This is the honest skin care advice I wish I could tell my younger self. I truly hope you found this advice helpful. Let me know in the comments your skincare concerns or questions.
To see what products I am currently using and loving you can visit the Radiantly Nourished Shop. I have also compiled a few clear skin-related blog posts & youtube videos that might be of interest to you below.
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Fungal Acne Clearing Skincare Routine – How To Clear Fungal Acne
Gentle & Effective Skincare Routine Under $50
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