Your mental energy is your greatest asset and should be protected at all costs! Learn how to protect your mental energy with these 9 tips.

We all understand the benefits of nutrition, exercise, and good sleep. However, one thing that isn’t addressed as often as it should is the importance of protecting our mental energy. Does it matter how fit and healthy you are if someone or something is sucking all that positive energy out of your life? Of course not.
When it comes to work or family it is not as simple as avoiding the things that knock us down from our highest self. Although you cant simply avoid most energy drainers, there are tangible tips that can be applied to anyone’s life to increase mental fitness.
Here are nine powerful strategies that can help you protect your mental energy and begin to thrive.
9 Tip On How To Protect Your Mental Energy
1.) Practice Meditation
Whether it’s the global pandemic or something else going on, bad news may leave a big impact on your mental health. However, you can rewire your brain and help it to focus on the positive side of life. This is where meditation comes in.
Meditation not only improves our attention and reduces stress, but it also enhances the feel-good neurotransmitters in our brain, allowing us to manage negative emotions better. New to meditation? Start with 5-10 minute guided meditations that you can access for free on youtube.
2.) Purify Your Space
One of the easiest ways to protect your energy is to declutter your space. Whether it’s your home or workplace, open the windows, tidy up the corners and get rid of the stuff you don’t need any longer.
Not only does hoarding clothes that are waiting to be repaired, defective devices, or stacks of outdated books take up unnecessary space, but it also obstructs the free flow of energy.
3.) Pay Attention
When we interact with different environments and people, we exchange our energies. Therefore, it’s essential to be mindful of any interactions and settings that don’t seem quite right. By paying closer attention to triggers that cause even a subtle energy shift, you can preserve your energy better.
Do you ever feel mentally drained in specific situations? Do you notice your energy shift around certain people? Or you’re afraid of coming out as impolite if you say “no”?
4.) Create Your Happy Space
We all have days when emotionally, we reach a breaking point. It doesn’t always have to do with a tragedy or a bad incident in life. It might be as simple as being late for a meeting, having a stressful day at work, or even being physically exhausted after a social event.
Create your own sanctuary, a happy place where you can escape the chaos of life and find peace for a few moments. It doesn’t have to be something grand; your backyard, bathroom, or even kitchen would suffice. Also, try to allow minimal interruptions; instead, spend time savoring your own presence.
5.) Stay Active
Sensitive people readily absorb other energies, particularly negative ones. In fact, they might become overwhelmed and upset merely by being criticized or listening to sad music.
If you’re in the same boat, the best approach to avoid it is to keep yourself physically busy and engaged. The more inactive you are, the more quickly your attention will drift towards negative energy. So, get up and do something constructive; your mental health will thank you later.
7.) Think Before You React
In most cases, the extra drama in our lives stems from our reaction to a fleeting annoyance. However, we’re too late to see that this only adds to the chaos and anger.
So the next time someone pushes your buttons, take a minute to think before you react. Reflect on the situation and how you can best respond without losing your cool. Put your best self forward, not the impulsive self – that’s ready to react to everything. When you pause and think mindfully, you’re more likely to respond logically and save your precious energy.
8.) Think Positive
Nothing has the power to impact us if we believe. Make a conscious effort to have a good attitude. Look for positivity around you, and you will find it. Remember, positivity attracts positivity.
Positive energy is contagious, so strive to be around positive people; it will rub off on you. Also, use positive self-affirmations, smile more, and think positively. When you exude good energy, negative energy cannot even reach you.
9.) Minimize Decision Fatigue
We are faced with countless decisions in a single day and they can be so draining. Minimizing decision fatigue is such an effective way to reclaim your precious mental energy.
Ways to minimize decision fatigue include pre-planning cute outfits for the week, meal prepping, going to the grocery store with a list, and decluttering your entire home of distractions.
I hope you learned new ways on how to protect your mental energy through this post. Your mental energy is your greatest asset and should be protected at all costs.
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