Wondering how to manage sugar cravings? Read through these practical tips and learn how to train your body to need less processed sugar.

It is perfectly fine to occasionally indulge in a decadent dessert, buy a takeaway, or reward yourself after a long day. We all crave sugar, and there’s a lot of science behind this. Sugar triggers our brain’s reward system, so you want more and more of it.
Unfortunately, processed sugar can wreak havoc on your body in more ways than one. Additionally, constant sugar craving can indicate other issues in the body. So, consistently giving in to your sweet tooth might be one of the worst things you can do for your health.
Personally, I love sweets. I always crave a sweet treat after dinner and have a major weakness for pastries. As someone with no intention of giving up sweets entirely, I have filled this blog post with practical tips and tricks for even the biggest sweets tooths.
Let’s start off with the why and explore the reasons for avoiding processed sugars in the first place.
Why Is Processed Sugar Bad For You
Before you can wean yourself off sugar and break this addiction, first, you must understand why sugar intake is harmful to you and your health. While there are too many side effects of sugar intake, we’ve mentioned a few here.
Increases Risk of Obesity
Processed sugar is loaded with calories with almost no nutritional value. Therefore, eating too much can cause weight gain and increase the risk for obesity, diabetes, and chronic heart diseases.
Affects Your Immune System
Getting sick feels awful. As if that weren’t scary enough, sugar intake can also impair the immune system’s ability to function properly. This is because bacteria and viruses thrive on sugar molecules in our bodies. As a result, a spike in blood sugar levels can help them grow and cause infections.
Speeds Signs Of Aging
Not only does processed sugar affect your insides, but it can also affect your skin by triggering acne flare-ups, inflammation, and even wrinkles. When sugar enters your system, it binds to proteins and leads to premature aging.
Sugar Causes Tooth Decay
While consuming too much sugar can give rise to several chronic health problems, most people overlook the most obvious impact it has. Sugar is directly proportional to tooth decay, so when sweet foods combine with bacteria in your mouth, it can create cavities

Ways To Fight Sugar Cravings & How To Train You Body To Need Less Processed Sugar Overtime
1. Eat More Fruit
The initial days will be tough once you cut back on the sweet stuff since your body will keep asking for more. However, you can tame those cravings by eating more fruit instead. Fruits have natural sugars, so you’ll get all the nutrients while also adding some sweetness to your diet.
2. Check Sugar Content In Pre-Packaged Foods
On days when you don’t feel like cooking, canned for or jarred pasta sauce can be a lifesaver. Always take a quick look at the nutrition label before making a purchase. Look for the quantity of added sugar and stay away from high fructose corn syrup.
3. Drink More Water
Most people confuse their thirst with ”hunger” and tend to reach for readily available snacks. By upping your water intake, not only can you bring down your untimely cravings and manage your weight but also help in optimal bodily functions.
4. Give In Sometimes
It’s actually a good idea to enjoy your favorite treat every now and again. Instead of depriving yourself of the foods you love, enjoy them occasionally! This will prevent you from overindulging and allow you the flexibility you deserve in your life and diet.
5. Plan Ahead
If you are like me and know that a craving for sweets is going to come every night after dinner, plan accordingly. You can prep a nutrient-dense dessert made without processed sugar to enjoy, or simply have dates and dark chocolate on hand to cleanse your palette.
6. Eat A Diet High In Healthy Fats & Proteins
Slow-burning, nutrient-dense, high-protein foods are amazing for combatting sugar cravings. This is because your body is nourished and satisfied when you eat this way! Rather than metabolizing a sugary snack quickly and then crashing. Eating high in healthy fats and proteins is also an excellent way to decrease caffeine consumption.
Looking For New Recipes Without Processed Sugar To Try? Here Are A Few Favorites Of Mine:
Vegan Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding & Yogurt Parfaits
Two Healthy Grab And Go Breakfasts For Chocolate Lovers (V & GF!)
Four Easy Recipes For Ripe Bananas
I hope you found this guide on how to train your body to need less processed sugar helpful! Please let me know in the comments your favorite healthy treat you love to have when you are craving something sweet. I love to hear from you!
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