A five-step guide on how to create a vision board that actually works, placing the most importance on step five. Let’s Begin!

Vision boards are visual representations of our desires and goals. They are a manifestation tool to help us to visualize what we are trying to attract into our lives. They can be made digitally using collage software (I love Canva!) or by cutting and pasting printed images together. There is no right or wrong way to create a vision board, but there are ways to use them effectively. After years of trial and error, I have found what works. Below is my five-step guide on how to create a vision board that actually works, placing the most importance on step five. Let’s begin!
1.) Create Your Vision Board With Intention
Set the mood for creativity and focus whenever you are creating your vision board.
- Get rid of distractions
- Turn on your essential oil diffuser or light candles
- Have a cup of coffee/tea
- Put on your favorite music
This is a moment of reflection and creativity. You should enjoy this time so that when you look to your completed vision board, you associate it with positive feelings. By creating a sacred space for yourself to create in, your desires will be coming from a more genuine place.
You want your vision board to be something you enjoy looking at, so take time choosing the background image and adding details that bring you joy. As you decide to add elements to your board, ask your self what this means to you and what you hope to come from this intention. Do not over clutter your board with excess. Only add images of things you will be making an effort to manifest soon. This will help you to stay focused on what is most important to you and increase the possibility of actually bringing that goal to fruition.
2.) Be Specific With Each Image
Specificity is key. For example: If the theme of your vision board is to attract more travel into your life, include photos of exactly where you want to visit rather than generic images of passports and airplanes. This helps you to truly visualize what you want to manifest and motivates you to take the right steps towards your goal. Sometimes half of the battle of getting what we want is knowing what we want.
Saying you want to travel is vague. Try to pinpoint a dream destination or two, add photos of the hotel you want to stay at, the activities you wish to do, and the amount of money you will need to set aside for airfare.
The more specifics you can include, the better. Now your vision board serves as a visual reminder of a well-thought-out dream vacation, and you have a small start on planning. You are already two steps closer to your dream of traveling than you were before you started your vision board.
3.) Visibility
You have worked so hard to create a vision board that is beautiful, intentional, and specific. Now, you need to look at it to allow it to guide your actions and remind you of your desires. Your vision board cannot stay hidden in a file folder on your laptop or tucked safely under your bed. Make it visible.
Make your vision board the screensaver on your phone and computer. Hang it in your closet or on your fridge. Whatever will work best for you. If your vision board is something you created for your eyes only, get creative with where you keep it. One valid workaround could be to set a reminder on your phone twice a day, reminding you to take a look at your vision board. You could even try setting it as the background of your home screen for when your phone is unlocked. Whatever you do, do not hide your vision board from your view.
We have all heard the saying “out of sight out of mind” The purpose of your vision board is to combat that by keeping what you are trying to manifest top of mind.
4.) Daily Journal Prompt
Journaling is another effective tool in manifestation and goal setting. Combining your daily journaling with your vision board as a guide is an effective way to start attracting those desires.
Let’s use the same example of your dream vacation from above. On your vision board, you have images of the destination, lodging, and a few activities. While you are looking at those images, write in your journal like you are already there. How do you feel upon checking into your hotel room? What kinds of foods are you trying first? Imagine your travel wardrobe and the people you will meet along the way.
No detail is too small. Write about why you choose this destination and what it means to you. Will you come back from your trip refreshed and ready to return to work? Are you traveling to visit loved ones or to do some soul searching?
Whatever your motivation is, make it clear in your journal. Include how the outcomes will positively affect not only you but those around you. Writing as if the thing you want is already yours is empowering and allows you to channel the feelings of accomplishment and positivity.
5.) Take Action Each Day
Taking action is the most crucial step for turning your vision board into reality. Here is another quote we are probably all familiar with: “Dreams don’t work unless you do.” This applies to all methods of manifestation.
You have to take action. At the beginning of this article, I wrote about being intentional with what you chose to put on your board. This step brings importance to that because there is not enough time in the day to be taking action on everything. Only include aspirations into your vision board that you have space in your life to be making an effort towards achieving.
Small steps must be taken each day in the direction of your vision board to start seeing results. Taking action gives you a strong sense of accountability and places you in charge of your goals.
Let go back to the example of a dream vacation. If you are manifesting travel, it is safe to assume that you do not have the budget or freedom in your schedule to book that trip and take off tomorrow. Here is an example of a tiny step that serves a great purpose. You can sign up for google flight alerts so that anytime there is a low price on airfare for your dream destination; you get notified to your inbox. Day two, you can start a budget plan. On day three, you watch a few travel diaries on youtube. Soon, the combination of your efforts results in half of your trip planning being completed.
Your goal has stayed in front of your mind, and you have made progress. With all intents, it can be challenging to realize how great of an effect little progress has. Each action taken towards your goal combines to equal a tremendous effort.
In Conclusion
Vision boards are a way to identify what we desire and create a visual roadmap for what we are trying to attract into our lives. The most compelling vision boards require intentional creation, specific images, and staying visible. Just like any other goal, getting what you want out of your vision board requires consistent work. Little progress each day amounts to success. Use your vision board to motivate your daily actions, and you will be surprised how quickly you see results.
If you found these tips helpful and decide to map put your goals with a vision board please send a DM to me on Instagram! I would love to see what you are working towards and be there to cheer you on!
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Thank you for reading!