The 6 Dimensions Of Wellness defined with practical tips on how to enrich them through modern healthy living practices in 2021.

The 6 Dimensions of Wellness were originally outlined in 1976 by Bill Hettler MD of The National Wellness Institute. Dr. Hettler’s 6 Dimensions of Wellness create an excellent outline for all of the supporting realms that create an overall wellness lifestyle.
I have taken Bill Hettler’s original 6 Dimensions and given them an update to fit our modern world in 2021. In the past year, we have faced rapid changes to our overall lifestyle and have had to adapt to our new post-pandemic world.
In this blog post, you will be given an overview of each dimension of wellness revamped for modern healthy living. You will be given practical tips to enrich each dimension in your life along with recommended readings on each topic.
Consider these dimensions of wellness as a step-by-step guide to adopting an overall wellness-centered lifestyle.
The 6 Dimensions Of Wellness

1.) Occupational Dimension Of Wellness
The first of the 6 Dimensions of Wellness we will explore is Occupational Wellness. Occupational Wellness is achieved by practicing effective work-life balance and having a fulfilling career. So much importance is placed on occupational wellness because work makes up the majority of one’s day. One’s career truly has an overall impact on their quality of life.
There are Three Pillars of Occupational Wellness:
- Choosing a career that aligns with one’s personal values and beliefs rather than feeling morally conflicted by the work one does.
- Continually developing skills and feeling a sense of growth through one’s career, rather than remaining stagnant.
- Avoiding burnout and approaching one’s career with boundaries that place emphasis on life outside of work.
Tips For Enriching Occupational Wellness In 2021:
Work-Life Has Changed drastically since The 2020 Pandemic. Now that most people find themselves working from home, here are a few simple tips for practicing occupational wellness in 2021.
- Creating a clean and well-designed workspace that is designated for work only. (Especially if you are working from home, it is important to have that separation.)
- Take breaks to move your body throughout the day. (Especially if your job requires long hours seated with a computer.)
- Make digital declutter a part of your routine. A digital declutter is when you take the time to tidy your digital workspace by closing tabs, organizing folders, and deleting unneeded files.
- Phone a friend or colleague throughout the day to talk about things other than work. Work From Home can be isolating and it is important to recreate the workplace friendships one felt in the office.
Recommended Readings:

2.) Physical Dimension Of Wellness
The Physical Dimension of wellness focuses on bodily health that comes from regular movement and a nourishing diet.
In reference to exercise, the word movement is chosen specifically. Movement encompasses the idea of an active body and lifestyle without putting the emphasis on traditional exercise (weight lifting, running, HITT, etc). Movement can look like anything you will do consistently. Yoga, daily walks, low impact workouts, stretching, high incline treadmill exercises, or peloton rides are all efficient. The key is that you will consistently do these movement focused activities every day to achieve physical wellness.
Physical wellness is the area of wellness that places emphasis on diet. On, we believe in a whole foods diet full of nutrient-dense foods. By simply eating whole foods (rather than processed foods from a box) you are already on the path to an optimal diet. By consistently eating foods rich in nutrients that support your body’s function, you increase your overall wellness.
We also believe in moderation for all things. Restrictive diets never lead to lifelong habits and we want to make diet as easy as possible.
For new ideas on clean eating, Download your FREE copy of The Radiantly Nourished Healthy Grocery Essentials List That Comes With A 10+ Recipe Guide!

3.) Social Dimension Of Wellness
The social dimension encourages contributing to your environment and community to live a more fulfilling life. Social Wellness believes in the connection of people and nature. A part of adopting a wellness lifestyle is acknowledging your impact on your environment and community.
Practicing Social Wellness requires taking an active role in improving your physical environment and relationships with others. You can take action in these two areas by being mindful of your carbon footprint and by practicing better communication with those around you. In turn, you will be preserving nature’s beauty and nurturing your personal relationships all leading to a more meaningful life.
Tips For Enriching Social Wellness In 2021:
1.) Research easy ways to reduce the waste made in your home.
2.) Spend time in nature as much as possible. Even if you live in a big city, make it a point to spend time outdoors and get fresh air.
3.) Try growing your own herb garden to gain an appreciation for the process it takes to grow food.
4.) Work on your listening skills. Talk less and listen more when communicating with others to develop deeper relationships.
5.) Take the time to call loved ones as much as possible for the sole purpose of checking in on them.
Recommended Readings:
4.) Emotional Dimension Of Wellness
The Emotional Dimension of Wellness recognizes becoming aware and accepting of one’s feelings. Emotional wellness recognize that it is important to have a sense of excitement about one’s day and one’s future.
More difficultly, one who maintains emotional wellness also manages their negative feelings and takes realistic assessments of their limitations while learning to cope well with stress.
Stress management is a key component in emotional wellness and untimely overall wellness. Managing stress has never been harder than it is now in our modern world. Let’s explore how to practice emotional wellness and stress management in 2021.
Tips For Enriching Emotional Wellness In 2021:
- Take regulars news detoxes. Allow yourself time away from constantly watching the news and you will notice an immediate peace that comes from not always having to react to every breaking story.
- Take regular social media detoxes. Once a month delete social media apps from your phone for a mental detox and enjoy reconnecting with what is right in front of you.
- Prioritize your sleep and develop healthy nighttime habits that encourage a good night’s rest. Allow yourself to rest when your body communicates that it needs it.
- Practice effective stress management at work by not taking on more projects than you can handle, take your paid vacation, and separate work from your personal life when possible.
- Be open about your feelings and find a person who you can confide in when you feel the need to express your emotions.
Recommended Readings:
5.) Spiritual Dimension Of Wellness
The Spiritual Dimension of Wellness acknowledges that it is a natural part of human existence to search for meaning. Having spiritual wellness means you develop a deep understanding and appreciation for all that exists in the universe. You begin to notice your effect on those around you and your control over your environment.
While exploring your spirituality it is normal to experience fear, disappointment, and dislocation as well as newfound joy and discovery. All of these emotions are a part of finding deeper self-discovery and bring more value to your existence. As you follow a more spiritual path you will notice that your actions align more with your belief system and your world opens up in a natural state of flow.
Tips For Enriching Spiritual Wellness In 2021:
- Explore meditation, even if you start with only 3-5 minutes a day. The Headspace App is a great place to start for beginners.
- Surround yourself with others who have consistent values and belief systems as you do.
- Ponder the meaning of life for yourself, rather than be tolerant of other’s beliefs.
- Say no to events and activities that no longer serve your greater purpose.
Recommended Readings:

6.) Intellectual Dimension Of Wellness
The Intellectual Dimension of Wellness acknowledges the importance of having creativity and mentally stimulating activities in one’s life. Someone who has Intellectual Wellness continually expands their skill sets and enjoys sharing their gifts with those around them.
As you adopt a wellness-centered lifestyle, you will enjoy problem-solving, learning, personal growth, develop planning skills, and more. Someone with Intellectual Wellness recognizes themselves as both a teacher and student of the world. You will notice you spend more time reading and exploring interests as you create a more purpose-driven life.
Tips For Enriching Intellectual Wellness In 2021:
- Goal yourself to read two books per month. Sign up for a public library card if you are looking to save money while doing this.
- Find a mentally stimulating hobby that resonates with you, for example, studying a language or learning an instrument.
- Explore your curiosities and interests no matter how small. Make an idea tracker in the notes on your phone so that you don’t lose track of the little ideas that come to you each day.
- Find a friend with similar intellectual interests to hold you accountable and go on the learning journey together.
Recommended Readings:
That completes the 6 Dimensions Of Wellness. I hope these dimensions help you along your wellness journey. Feel free to leave a comment with your questions and thoughts and I look forward to talking with you.
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